How Can You Accept Payments For An Online Store


How Can You Accept Payments For An Online Store Without A Credit Card Processor? You may have heard that you need a credit card processor to accept payments online. But what if you don’t have a business bank account and can’t get one? What if you don’t want to deal with the fees associated with accepting credit cards? In those cases, you might wonder how you can still accept customer payments and make money on your eCommerce site or SaaS business.

Accept Payments Directly To Your Bank

  • You can use a service like Stripe, WePay, or PayPal (Verified Paypal Account for Sale). These platforms are designed for small businesses and take care of the back-end details for you. They also offer various packages with different features, so you can find one that fits your needs.
  • You can accept payments via your bank account. This is easy to set up, but it’s also slow and expensive because you have to wait for funds to be transferred into your account before transferring them out again (or paying fees).
  • You can accept payments via a physical credit card terminal. This is convenient because customers don’t have to enter their information over the internet, but it’s expensive and requires an investment in equipment that may not be worth it if you’re starting or don’t plan on making frequent sales yet.
  • You can accept payments via a mobile app such as Square Cash or Venmo – which allows users to send each other money via text message – though these methods are only useful if both parties already use them regularly (e-commerce companies like Amazon Prime make this option less attractive because they already provide free shipping).

Use Paypal To Send An Invoice

PayPal is a popular payment processor that offers a free invoice feature. With this option, you can send invoices to customers by email or text and add them to your website if you have one. This makes it easy for customers to pay their bills promptly because they have to click on the link in the email or text message and log into their PayPal accounts. (Verified Paypal Account for Sale)

The great thing about using PayPal’s invoicing system is that there are no setup fees or monthly fees associated with sending out invoices through this platform.

Be Your Credit Card Processor

You’ll need to be your own processor to accept credit cards without a processor. When you sign up for a merchant account with your bank, they will provide you with the equipment and services necessary to process payments. You’ll need a website where customers can place orders by credit card, usually through an application like Shopify or Squarespace. If your customer doesn’t want to do this online, then you’ll have to process the transaction offline using software provided by the bank (or another company).

Finally, even if there were no other requirements for accepting credit cards without a processor—and there are many others—you’d still need real-time access so that customers could complete their transactions quickly.

Use Payment Gateways And Offer Credit Cards

A payment gateway is a software system that helps to process credit card payments. The way it works is that when someone pays for something, their information will be sent to the gateway, verifying that they have enough funds in their account and sending them a receipt of their purchase.

Suppose you’re selling products online without having a merchant account or payment processor. In that case, this can be helpful because it allows you to accept credit cards without having to store any sensitive data yourself. You’ll still need some merchant account to accept payments through your gateway. So make sure you look into those options if they apply to your situation!

You can use this system by setting up an online store on Shopify. Or BigCommerce (which both work with many different gateways). And adding one or more gateways from the list below:

Let Customers Pay With Bitcoin or Other Cryptocurrencies

One option to accept payments for your store is to let customers pay with bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies. This can be a great way to attract new customers. And increase sales since many people are interested in buying products from stores that accept cryptocurrency payments.

However, you’ll need to know how to set up this type of payment method in Shopify. Before accepting it as a form of payment. You’ll also need to ensure that the cryptocurrency wallet you use supports the cryptocurrency you want to accept. And determine if any fees are associated with using this kind of currency.

You Don’t Need A Credit Card Payment Processor. You Can Accept Payments Without One.

You can accept payments directly to your bank account through services like Stripe and PayPal. You can also use these services to send invoices similar to credit card bills.

If you want to be your credit card processor, one option is to use payment gateways. And offer credit cards as a payment option. This can be expensive, but it’s worth looking into if you want full control over the customer experience.

You could also let customers pay with bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies. These are becoming more popular for businesses in certain industries (like food delivery) to collect online payments. Without using traditional banking systems.


You don’t have to have a credit card processor. You can accept payments without one and save yourself the fees they charge. The most important thing is to know how your customers will pay you so that you can be prepared for it when orders come in. If you want more flexibility, consider using PayPal (Verified Paypal Account for Sale) or other payment gateways instead of being your credit card processor.


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